Images from a recent stroll through the visual dyslexia hotspot Digbeth. Above an old club sign which was taken down, Custard Factory
Seems like St Martins Garage has worked up some 'rage'.
Close up of the closed St. Martins Garage window. Cars (are) out indeed!
Used to be all the rage!
This sign is only a few years old and already half gone! It says a lot about the 'quality' of shop signs today, when shop signs painted over 100 years ago are often still visible.
Visual Dyslexia at it's best!
Digbeth is clutter with these folding garage doors and I cannot stop myself
snapping away at them.
Shakin' that ass...a little too much?
Inadvertently this picture has also become a selfie,
look closely in the reflection of the Renault sign.
A beautiful ghost sign at 15-17 New Bartholomew Street.